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Traditional Advertising is Alive and Well

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Last week I heard Amazon advertising on the radio and saw Google ads on television. It was surprising to hear and see these tech giants investing outside of the digital world. While digital marketing has captured significant attention, this is proof that traditional advertising is still an effective method to promote your pharmacy.

Traditional advertising will continue to be a viable marketing opportunity for a

Improve Your Marketing With Artificial Intelligence (AI)

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Few of us are able to anticipate the wide range of benefits gained from any new form technology. Take cell phones for example. Overall, cell phones have become indispensable tools empowering communications, entertainment, productivity, commerce, health monitoring and social interaction in ways that were previously unimaginable.

Looking at current technology, I believe that the total impact of AI on this industry will be significant. AI

Your Most Precious Asset

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On average, it takes eight to ten times as much to get a new customer for your pharmacy as it does to keep one. It is also a fact that your best source of new revenue is from your existing customer base. Considering these two facts, please dedicate some time to consider how you can better serve those who already trust you for their

Direct marketing campaigns from Pharm Fresh Media