I have a hard time deciding what I admire most about my Independent pharmacies. I watch as you balance being an important part of your patients’ health care with the challenges of being an entrepreneur. I know that many of you promote medication reviews and, being rockstars, most of you offer a med synch program as well. That’s why Pharm Fresh offers Personal Medication Cards.

The names and dosages of your patients’ medications are critical in supplying their physicians with the information necessary to give your patients safe and effective care. Your patients can keep this card with them at all times in order to have accurate information for their doctor appointments or any visits to the emergency room.

Our long time clients know that my 85 year old mother figures in to many of the products that we develop. Her Independent pharmacy loves them, too! The first time she went to the hospital after a fall, I had no idea what to write down for her medications. We could have saved time and worry while we contacted her pharmacy if a personal medication card had been in her wallet.

What are some ways you could incorporate Personal Medication Cards into your pharmacy? Plan on giving every Medication Review patient a completed card with his or her information already on it. These cards will be perfect for any of you doing a Med Synch program – whether with packaging, Simplify My Meds, or other materials.

I believe in ‘Surprise and Delight’ rather than customer loyalty cards (email or call me if you want more of my ideas on this!) Can you imagine how your most frequent patients would feel if this card, all filled out, was included in their pharmacy bag? Would you go anywhere else? If your pharmacy is servicing LTC facilities, these cards would be a nice give-away for families. As part of your efforts to recruit new patients, these Medication Cards make a perfect hand-out at Senior talks or educational presentations about diabetes, heart disease, and other maladies.